I am a Computer Science PhD student at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where I am advised by James Rehg and Judy Hoffman within the School of Interactive Computing. My research interests are in modeling human behavior with computer vision. I am excited about developing visual and multimodal models that understand people and the way they interact with each other and the world around them. I am grateful to be supported by an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.
Previously, I graduated from Indiana University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.M. in Music Performance. At IU, I did research in the Music Informatics Lab and Computer Vision Lab and developed an interest in using AI for modeling naturalistic behaviors - from practicing an instrument (and making mistakes), to interacting and conversing with other people. I have also done internships at Meta (audiovisual conversation modeling), Google (medical imaging, scene understanding), and Adobe (personalized vision-language retrieval).
February 2025 - 3 papers accepted to CVPR 2025: Gaze-LLE, Improving Personalized Search with Regularized Low-Rank Parameter Updates (from my Adobe internship), and SocialGesture (led by my labmate Xu Cao)!
December 2024 - Check out our new work Gaze-LLE, a streamlined model for gaze estimation that uses the power of visual foundation models 👀
July 2024 - Our paper on audiovisual gaze forecasting, led by my labmate Bolin Lai, was accepted to ECCV 2024!
May 2024 - Interning at Adobe Research this summer! 🌉 🎬
April 2024 - Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions (led by my labmate Sangmin Lee) and Ego-Exo4D were accepted to CVPR 2024 for oral presentation!
December 2023 - Check out Ego-Exo4D, a multi-institution dataset effort that captures simultaneous egocentric and exocentric views of human activities!
February 2023 - Our paper Egocentric Auditory Attention Localization in Conversations was accepted to CVPR 2023! Check out the project page.
May 2022 - Excited to be interning at Meta Reality Labs Research this summer!
April 2022 - I was awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship!
February 2022 - Ego4D was accepted to CVPR 2022!
October 2021 - Introducing Ego4D, a massive, international egocentric dataset and benchmark effort! Glad to have been a part of the social benchmark team and to have led the data collection effort at Georgia Tech.
July 2021 - Our paper Big Self-Supervised Models Advance Medical Image Classifications was accepted to ICCV 2021!
August 2020 - I started my PhD in Computer Science at Georgia Tech
May 2020 - I am interning at Google this summer on the Dermatology team
May 2020 - I graduated from Indiana University with my B.S. in Computer Science and B.M. in Clarinet Performance
Click if you would like to listen to undergrad-era me playing clarinet while you peruse this website.